F5 Load Balancer Administration involves managing and configuring F5 load balancers, which are devices designed to distribute network traffic across multiple servers or resources. Load balancing plays a crucial role in optimizing resource utilization, enhancing application performance, and ensuring high availability and reliability.

To configure an F5 load balancer, you typically perform the following steps:

  1. Import or create the SSL certificate.
  2. Create an SSL profile in F5.
  3. Create the pool.
  4. Create iRules.
  5. Configure the virtual server.


  • Describe the role of the BIG-IP system as a full proxy device in an application delivery network
  • Set up, start/restart/stop, license, and provision the BIG-IP system out-of-the-box
  • Create a basic network configuration on the BIG-IP system including VLANs and self IPs
  • Use the Configuration utility and TMSH to manage BIG-IP resources such as virtual servers, pools, pool members, nodes, profiles, and monitors
  • Create, restore from, and manage BIG-IP archives
  • View resource status, availability, and statistical information and use this information to determine how the BIG-IP system is currently processing traffic
  • Use profiles to manipulate the way the BIG-IP system processes traffic through a virtual server
  • Perform basic troubleshooting and problem determination activities including using the iHealth diagnostic tool
  • Support, and view traffic flow using TCPDUMP
  • Understand and manage user roles and partitions
  • Configure and manage a sync-failover device group with more than two members
  • Configure stateful failover using connection mirroring and persistence mirroring