Amazon Web Services – With a vast tool set that continues to grow exponentially, Amazon’s capabilities are unmatched. Yet its cost structure can be confusing, and its singular focus on public cloud rather than hybrid cloud or private cloud means that interoperating with your data center isn’t AWS’s top priority.

Microsoft Azure – A close competitor to AWS with an exceptionally capable cloud infrastructure. If you’re an enterprise customer, Azure speaks your language – few companies have the enterprise background (and Windows support) as Microsoft. Azure knows you still run a data center, and the Azure platform works hard to interoperate with data centers; hybrid cloud is a true strength.

Google Cloud – A well-funded underdog in the competition, Google entered the cloud market later and doesn’t have the enterprise focus that helps draw corporate customers. But its technical expertise is profound, and its industry-leading tools in deep learning and artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics are significant advantages.







• Dominant market position
• Extensive, mature offerings
• Support for large organizations
• Extensive training
• Global reach

• Difficult to use
• Cost management
• Overwhelming options

Microsoft Azure

•Second largest provider
• Integration with Microsoft tools and software
• Broad feature set
• Hybrid cloud
• Support for open source

•Issues with documentation
• Incomplete management tooling


• Designed for cloud-native businesses
• Commitment to open source and portability
• Deep discounts and flexible contracts
• DevOps expertise

• Late entrant to IaaS market
• Fewer features and services
• Historically not as enterprise focused

Cloud Services Comparison List:



Networking and Content Delivery


Management and Monitoring


Developer Tools


Calculate, process, and compute—a computer’s fundamental role. In addition, the right cloud provider can scale to thousands of processing nodes for you in just a few minutes.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Deploy, manage, and maintain virtual servers

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Compute Engine

Virtual Machines Virtual Machine Scale Sets


Elastic Beanstalk

App Engine Standard Environment App Engine Flexible Environment 

Cloud Services

Virtual private servers made easy



Virtual Machine Images

Management support for Docker/Kubernetes containers

EC2 Container Service (ECS) Kubernetes (EKS)

Kubernetes Engine Container Engine

Container Service Container Service (AKS)

Docker container registry

EC2 Container Registry (ECR)

Container Registry

Container Registry

Orchestrate and manage microservice-based applications


App Engine

Service Fabric

Integrate systems and run backend logic processes


Cloud Functions (Beta)

Functions Event Grid Web Jobs

Run large-scale parallel and high-performance batch computing




Automatically scale instances

Auto Scaling

Instance Groups

Virtual Machine Scale Sets App Service Scale Capability (PAAS) AutoScaling


A key function of cloud services is its storage capabilities. While AWS’ storage services are the longest running, Google’s and Microsoft Azure’s are also very respectable and reliable options.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Object storage service for use cases

Simple Storage Services (S3)

Google Cloud Storage

Storage (Block Blob)

Virtual server disk infrastructure

Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Compute Engine Persistent Disks

Storage (Page Blobs)

Archive storage

S3 Infrequent Access (IA) Glacier Data Archive

Nearline Coldline

Storage (Cool) Storage (Archive)

Create and configure shared file systems

Elastic File System (EFS)

ZFS / Avere


Hybrid storage

Storage Gateway

Egnyte Sync


Bulk data transfer solutions

Import/Export Disk Snowball Edge Snowmobile

Storage Transfer Service

Import/Export Azure Data Box


Object Storage Cold Archive Storage Storage Gateway



Automatic protection and disaster recovery

Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery Cookbook

Site Recovery

Networking and Content Delivery

Each provider offers different networks and partners which interconnect their data centers across the globe using a variety of different products to achieve this.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Isolated, private cloud private networking

Virtual Private Cloud

Virtual Private Cloud

Virtual Network

Cross-premises connectivity

API Gateway

Cloud VPN

VPN Gateway

Manage DNS names and records

Route 53

Google Cloud DNS

Azure DNS Traffic Manager

Global content delivery networks


Cloud Interconnect Cloud CDN

Content Delivery Network

Dedicated, private network connection

Direct Connect

Cloud Interconnect 


Load balancing configuration

Elastic Load Balancing

Cloud Load Balancing

Load Balancer Application Gateway


All three providers allow you to implement both SQL and NoSQL solutions. Alternatively, if you don’t need a database, go for their caching capabilities instead.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Managed relational database-as-a-service


Cloud SQL Cloud Spanner

SQL Database Database for MySQL Database for PostgreSQL

NoSQL (Indexed)


Cloud Datastore Cloud Bigtable

Cosmos DB

NoSQL (Key-value)

DynamoDB SimpleDB

Cloud Datastore

Table Storage

Application or Memory Caching


Mem Cache

Redis Cache

Database migration

Database Migration Service


Database Migration Service

Managed data warehouse


Big Query

SQL Data Warehouse

Management and Monitoring

Each of the top three offers a range of management and monitoring services which provide visibility into the health, performance, and utilization of applications, workloads, and infrastructure.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Cloud advisor capabilities

Trusted Advisor

Cloud Platform Security


DevOps deployment orchestration

OpsWorks (Chef-based) CloudFormation

Cloud Deployment Manager

Automation Resource Manager VM extensions

Cloud resources management & monitoring

CloudWatch X-Ray Management Console

Stackdriver Monitoring Cloud Shell Debugger Trace Error Reporting

Portal Monitor Application Insights


Application Discovery Service Systems Manager Personal Health Dashboard

Cloud Console

Log Analytics Operations Management Suite Resource Health Storage Explorer


Billing API

Cloud Billing API

Billing API


Here, we cover the range of capabilities provided to protect services and data.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Authentication and authorization

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Organizations

Cloud IAM Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

Active Directory Active Directory Premium

Information Protection


Information Protection

Protect and safeguard with data encryption

Key Management Service


Storage Service Encryption

Hardware-based security modules


Cloud Key Management Service

Key Vault


Web Application Firewall


Application Gateway

Cloud security assessment and certification services

Inspector Certificate Manager


Security Center App Service Certificates

Directory services

AWS Directory Service


Active Directory Domain Services

Identity management



Active Directory B2C

Support cloud directories

Directory Service


Windows Server Active Directory




Service Trust Portal

Cloud services with protection



DDoS Protection Service

Developer Tools

And finally, the tools you need to build, deploy, diagnose, debug, and manage multiplatform, scalable applications and services.


Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Media transcoding

Elastic Transcoder


Media Services

Improve and optimize workflow

Simple Workflow Service (SWF)


Logic Apps

API management

API Gateway

Cloud Endpoints

API Management

App testing

Device Farm

Cloud Test Lab

DevTest Labs (backend)

Git Repositories

AWS Source Repositories

Cloud Source Repositories

Azure Source Repositories




Visual Studio Team Services

Programmatic access

Command Line Interface

Cloud Tools for Powershell Cloud SDK

Command Line Interface (CLI) PowerShell

Predefined templates

Quick Start


Quickstart templates

Managed hosting platforms

Elastic Beanstalk

App Engine Standard Environment 

Web Apps (App Service) Cloud Services API Apps (App Service)

Application deployment

CodeDeploy CodeCommit CodePipeline


Visual Studio Team Services

Developer Tools

Developer Tools


Developer Tools