This course is designed to provide candidate with a comprehensive understanding of offensive and defensive cyber security techniques. Students will acquire practical knowledge and skills necessary to identify, prevent, and mitigate potential cyber threats. They will explore various offensive and defensive tools, techniques, and methodologies used in penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, incident response, and network security.

Course Objectives:
1. Understand the fundamentals of cyber threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities.
2. Learn offensive techniques used by hackers to breach systems and steal sensitive information.
3. Develop defensive strategies to protect organizational assets from cyber-attacks.
4. Gain hands-on experience with various tools and technologies used in offensive and defensive cybersecurity.
5. Understand ethical considerations and legal implications associated with offensive cybersecurity practices.
6. Implement defensive strategies to protect networks and systems from attacks.
7. Analyze and respond to security incidents effectively.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Cybersecurity
 Overview of cybersecurity concepts and principles
 Common cyber threats and attack vectors
 Introduction to offensive and defensive cybersecurity methodologies

Reconnaissance and Footprinting
 Gathering information about targeted systems and organizations
 Passive and active reconnaissance techniques
 Footprinting tools and methodologies

Network Scanning and Enumeration
 Network scanning techniques and tools (Nmap, Nessus, etc.)
 Enumeration methods (NetBIOS, SNMP, SMTP, etc.)
 Analyzing scan results and identifying vulnerabilities

Information Gathering and Reconnaissance Techniques
 Passive and active reconnaissance
 Open-source intelligence (OSINT) gathering
 Footprinting and fingerprinting

Exploitation and Post-Exploitation
 Exploiting vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access
 Post-exploitation techniques (privilege escalation, lateral movement, etc.)
 Tools and frameworks for exploitation (Metasploit, Empire, etc.)

Web Application Attacks
 Understanding web application vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10)
 SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), etc.
 Securing web applications against common attacks

Wireless Attacks
 Introduction to wireless network security
 Common wireless attacks, such as rogue access points and password cracking
 Strategies to secure wireless networks

Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
 Basics of malware analysis
 Techniques for reverse engineering malware
 Analyzing malware code and behavior

Intrusion Detection and Prevention
 Intrusion detection technologies (Snort, Suricata, etc.)
 Deploying intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
 Analyzing and responding to intrusion attempts

Incident Response and Digital Forensics
 Principles of incident response and digital forensics
 Investigating security incidents and collecting digital evidence
 Understanding legal requirements and best practices in digital forensics

Threat Intelligence and Security Operations Center (SOC)
 Introduction to threat intelligence
 Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC)
 Leveraging threat intelligence to enhance defensive capabilities

Vulnerability Management
 Vulnerability assessment and scanning
 Patch management
 Secure coding practices

Case Studies and Real-World Examples
 Analysis of cyber security breaches
 Learning from past incidents
 Identifying trends and patterns

Emerging Threats and Industry Trends
 Malware and ransomware attacks
 IoT security challenges
 Cloud security considerations

Ethical and Legal Considerations
 Ethics in offensive cyber security
 Compliance with regulations and laws
 Intellectual property rights

Hands-on Exercises
 Practical labs and simulations
 Application of offensive and defensive techniques
 Learning to use relevant tools and technologies
 Penetration testing projects